Institute for Geotechnical Engineering Research Research Projects
HyTowering – Optimisation of the Design of Hybrid Towers and Development of a Suitable Monitoring Concept

HyTowering – Optimisation of the Design of Hybrid Towers and Development of a Suitable Monitoring Concept

Led by:  Prof. Dr-Ing. Martin Achmus
Team:  Dr.-Ing. Khalid Abdel-Rahman, M.Sc. Shuhan Cao, Dr.-Ing. Florian tom Wörden
Year:  2020
Funding:  BMWi / PTJ
Duration:  01.01.2018 – 31.12.2020

Collaborative project:

HyTowering – Optimisation of the design of hybrid towers and development of a suitable monitoring concept for damage detection and quantification.


Numerical and experimental determination of soil-structure interaction under static, cyclic and dynamic loads.


In order to achieve the expansion targets in the field of renewable energies, onshore wind turbines (WTGs) must also become increasingly powerful. Both because of the higher turbine classes and the lack of suitable locations, taller towers are needed, as the wind speed increases with the height of the hub. So-called hybrid towers in segmental construction have established themselves on the market as a possible design solution for this, consisting of concrete in the lower part and steel in the upper part. In the meantime, hub heights of 150 m and more can be achieved with these towers. However, as tower heights continue to increase, the risk of instability or damage to the structure grows. In addition, the design models for both the joints and the foundations of these tower structures are insufficiently developed so far. The object of the research project is therefore large-scale tests on which both design models can be derived and monitoring concepts can be tested.

Research partners: